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Library Collections

Our Library acquires and subscribes to a range of online and print resources in support of the teaching, learning, and research programs of AUIS

The collections include an A-Z list of databases, and  Special Collections Physically available at the library.


Guidance on finding information and resources

Facilities in the libraries

The library provides access to the internet and computers in the library, students can use their personnel laptops/notebooks.

Self-service printing is available at the library, Printing Vouchers can be purchase at the Copy Center.

Kindles are available for use inside the library


Research Skills and Tips

Information literacy sessions

One of the library’s responsibilities is to assist in helping students become information-literate and responsible consumers of information. To this end, the

According to ALA, Information Literacy is "To be information literate, a person must be able to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information". AUIS  library designs instruction in finding, evaluating, and using information from a variety of sources according to ACRL standards: Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education 

Information literacy programs, Library instruction, Library tours, Face to face sessions, and in-class orientations are offered at various times throughout the academic year and can be arranged upon request by emailing the librarian

Borrowing and hold

As a member of the American University of Iraq, Sulaimani, you have access to all our print and online collections to borrow or to place hold ahead. Please read the Borrow Guide for more information. 

Reserve Textbooks

AUIS Faculty may place materials on reserve to ensure that students in their courses find the reference or textbooks when they need them.

Faculty are required to check in the library website the availability of the reference or textbook ahead

Reserve requests should be emailed to the librarian at least 15 days before the beginning of the semester to ensure that material is available in time for classes. 

Inter Library Loans

Interlibrary Loan Services provides the material you need from a network of institutions around the world. Request what you need by finding the item through (Only free of charge ILL can be ordered )

Book Suggestions

Faculty and students are welcome to suggest and recommend books to develop the library collections based on their expertise, needs and knowledge through this form